


Health & Safety

Legal / Social Services

Social & Personal Development

Caregivers Needs



Askar Abayev
Askar Abayev

Social and personal development can be reached collectively. Every service user would take part to group activity/ies and develop his/her sense of community. What we are looking for when organizing common activities is individuals’ proximity improvement and collective spirit raising. A unique local dynamic within the house will follow.

Sharing particular moments with flatmates, with the community reinforces the feeling of belonging and create memories. These convivial moments, these collective « living spaces » usually allow the individual feel positively within the group. He/She will feel more integrated and more willing to take part to community living. Moreover, the activities can fulfil the social and emotional potential of some beneficiary/ies. And, when feeling integrated into the group, a positive self-image will contribute to the well-being of the service user.



Your tasks are divided into 3 actions: SURVEY / ORGANIZE / CARRY OUT

SURVEY task: ask all service users what collective activities they would like to take part in.

At this point, you can also question them about their free time (dates and hours) and write this down (list of activities and scheduling possibilities).

ORGANIZE task: make calls, reservations, bookings… All the preparation needed for one specific activity (space, material, money etc.).

Do not forget to ask possible hosts to consider the different disabilities existing amongst your group.

CARRY OUT task: make sure every interested service user is with you and start the activity with joy and enthusiasm.


Regarding the SURVEY task, you have to dress a list with service users’ answers to the following questions:

  • What? What type of activities are they willing to participate?
  • When? When are they free to do it?

For the first rounds, you can also provide them ideas or propose the following activities: board game evening, Monday flatmates diner, cooking activity, music concert, sportive activities (swimming pool, ball games, please have a check in the resources section…).

The ORGANIZE task will require you to establish a calendar (by week or month) and publish it within the house or to service users. To not be too invasive, you can plan some “longer” activity every two weeks or once a month. In the meantime, you will ensure that the activities are possible for a large group with disabled persons. If it is not the case, you can start discussion on how it could be possible. You can also be helped by the advocacy part available in the neighbourhood module of the platform.

The CARRY OUT task consists of ensuring you that interested and confirmed service users are present during the activity (be careful at the departure) and that the activity is running well (leave no one behind).



The common activities amongst an inclusive housing group will contribute to:

  • Improve community living feelings and actions of the service users.
  • Develop social and emotional potential as well as the general well-being of the beneficiaries.
  • Facilitate the integration of shyer people of the house.
  • Turn self-image and image of the other(s) positively.
  • Implement a local house dynamic.


Learning Outcomes

  • It aims to support physical and emotional well-being of beneficiaries, lead future-oriented life and empathize.

Knowledge acquired

  • Participant will understand the components of a healthy mind, body and lifestyle necessary for a high standard of care and support to beneficiaries and learn how to develop networking with others.

Skills acquired

  • Participant will develop intuitive thinking to support specific needs of service users. Participant will be able to handle other people’s emotions and develop critical thinking skills.

Competences acquired

  • Participant will have positive attitude, collaboration attitude, respect diversity of others and their needs.