


Health & Safety

Legal / Social Services

Social & Personal Development

Caregivers Needs




As an important part of the community living, understanding other’s emotions allows to build respectful relations within the inclusive house and create a balanced environment. To facilitate integration into the community and to encourage full participation, the opportunity to communicate his/her mood to other(s) is crucial. But, sometimes, for some reasons, we can be unable to clearly express him/herself. This tool is developed to help inhabitants of the inclusive house to express his/her mood of the day through weather images reflecting human emotions.

The inside weather is used in many different environments: schools, well-being communities, houses… It is very practical and does not require huge means in terms of time, money, or space.


My Inside Weather
My Inside Weather
Cap Inclusion by Unessa

As a caregiver, family member, or inclusive house volunteer, you want the inclusive project runs well. To bring your piece to the puzzle in the daily life of the housing project, you want to be sure that all service users can express themselves and that a house dynamic is in place.

Your task will be to create, explain and improve a system of “inside/inner weather” in the house. You are in charge of the preparation, the organization and the implementation of the “inside/inner weather” within the inclusive house.


First, find the material (on google, in shops…):

  • A Clear Week Agenda (printed in A3, more visible)
  • Inhabitants’ Names Printed (if one image is already used on the week agenda, they would add their name to the image)
  • Weather images (e.g., sunshine, rain, rainbow, storms, cloudiness & fog…)
  • Magnets or Bedbugs

Second, find a location (e.g., on the fridge, board, collective living space…) where you will make the material available.

Third, explain to every inhabitant the aim of this module but do not make it mandatory (sometimes emotions are too fresh to be shared). The aim is that, everyday or when someone wants it, the person can go to the “inside/inner weather” place and start place his/her name with the associate emotion into a case of the week agenda. Be clear that every emotion (happy, angry, proud, discouraged, afraid, worried, peaceful, sad) is associate to a weather image.

Hence, the all house will consider the mood of the person. It can lead to personal or group discussion with the person or talks about emotion.

Lastly, after some times, ask them if you can improve/change the process (new images, new location, personal or group feedbacks).



In conclusion, the learner will be able to implement a local dynamic within the house based on emotions/feelings and on respect diversity of others and their needs. It seems important to recall the association, emotions to weather images, to inhabitants. It will contribute to build a safe environment where everyone can feel free to express (or not). The goal of this module is to be ended after some times because, at the end, everyone will feel confident enough to speak to other or other inhabitant will know when someone is in a bad mood and prefer to not speak about it.


Learning Outcomes

  • It aims to support physical and emotional well-being of beneficiaries, lead future-oriented life and empathize.

Knowledge acquired

  • Participant will understand the components of a healthy mind, body and lifestyle necessary for a high standard of care and support to beneficiaries and learn how to develop networking with others.

Skills acquired

  • Participant will develop intuitive thinking to support specific needs of service users.
  • Participant will be able to handle other people’s emotions and develop critical thinking skills.

Competences acquired

  • Participant will have positive attitude, collaboration attitude, respect diversity of others and their needs.



My Inside Weather | A Book About Emotions Read Aloud For Children