Kampus Production
Community living is not always fluid and easy. It cannot work if you do not pay attention to the other and if you do not have the opportunity to express yourself within the group or individually. Some wider or personal problems might arise and it is important to have the opportunity to speak about it. Communicating on what goes well and what does not work within the house is a constructive attitude that would implement an intern dynamic. In the inclusive house, every service user should feel comfortable within the collective. More than just a house of accessibility and physical presence, it will be the shared values that will create feelings of belonging and confidence amongst the house’s inhabitants. More generally, it is important to bridge this existing great divide between the “disability” world and the “common” world. |
Nathan Anderson
As a support person for the disabled persons, you will make sure that an intern process of feedbacks is running on in the inclusive house.
Therefore, you will have a role of socio-psychological help by providing a careful listening of the problems faced by the beneficiary/ies.
Thus, you will conduct individual or groups interviews every X time with beneficiary/ies and/or service user/s.
You will also have a role of coordinator by organising (planning, contacting, preparing) the feedbacks session with beneficiary/ies and/or service user/s.
First thing to keep in mind is that you should not put pressure on service users to take part to this activity if he/she/they do/es not want. You can start by making a dates proposal to the group by asking individually. On a list you will write participant’s name who prefers making feedbacks individually and who is willing to do it in group. Mention that you plan to organise this type of session every week or every two weeks (depending on the availability and desire of people).
Once you have found the date and the frequency of the feedbacks meeting (individual or collective), you will start the preparation:
- Location (sometimes it can be outside the house, if possible and if necessary)
- Expected duration (between 1h and 2h30).
- Preparing the topics (tidying up the house, interpersonal relations, positive moments, problematic situations, general aspects, free of topics…).
- Inviting carers, family members or friends when requested.
Then, during the conduct of the personal or collective meeting, do not forget:
- To act in a socio-psychological framework (active listening, no judgments); you can find useful advice (on communication, the importance of social interactions) in the document section.
- When it is a group feedbacks meeting, you are the coordinator. Keep in mind that everyone has something to say and it can take more time, it can be more difficult for some people to express themselves.
- Write notes (if necessary) on what is being said and try to dress conclusions, find solutions afterwards.
Mention the next meeting (between 1, 2 or 3 weeks later depending on the willingness).
Through the feedbacks meeting implemented, you will have a good overview of the emotional, physical, intellectual, social, and even spiritual situation in the house. Both individual and collective feedbacks will serve you to insist on what has to be changed or what is positively received.
Sometimes it could be difficult and you will face complex situations. Nevertheless, making feedbacks will help the construction of a house dynamic and will provide a safe, welcoming and nurturing, environment.
- It aims to support physical and emotional well-being of beneficiaries, lead future-oriented life and empathize.
- Participant will understand the components of a healthy mind, body and lifestyle necessary for a high standard of care and support to beneficiaries and learn how to develop networking with others.
- Participant will develop intuitive thinking to support specific needs of service users. Participant will be able to handle other people’s emotions and develop critical thinking skills.
- Participant will have positive attitude, collaboration attitude, respect diversity of others and their needs.