
Mieux connaitre le besoin des aidants
With this unit, the learner will better understand and identify what caregiver needs in supporting disabled people and put in practice solutions to answer these needs concerning those caregivers.
With this unit, the learner will be able to better understand and identify the needs of carers in the support of people with disabilities and put into practice solutions to meet these needs for carers
The needs of carers are of a different nature and are related to the difficulties they may encounter in their daily work. Indeed, interacting every day with disabled and/or dependent people requires a real physical and psychological strength.
Thus, carers need :
- time to carry out the tasks that fall to them every day.
- support to carry out time-consuming administrative tasks, without added value for the beneficiary and sometimes complex to deal with.
- rest, relaxation and breaks that are necessary but not sufficiently taken into account.
- Financial resources are an element that should not be neglected.
The need is also based on the physical and psychological dimension because the tasks and commitment to the person are difficult.
Carers are helpless in certain situations and are looking for help and support; this is the case for information to be obtained that is more solid and precise about their role and rights. They need moral support to help them manage situations that are sometimes crisis situations with beneficiaries or families. This is also the case with home service providers or health professionals.
Lack of knowledge of pathologies and basic care practices makes them vulnerable through a lack of skills as they cannot fill these gaps.
To help carers meet their needs, several avenues should be considered
- more frequent exchanges between carers on practices,
- better coordination between them,
- more frequent exchanges between carers on practices, better coordination between them, simple and didactic information materials,
- official recognition,
- psychological support,
- a reorganisation of working hours so that they can take a break,
- training modules,
- financial assistance.
It is clear that the needs are great and necessary and that there are solutions that are not necessarily costly.
How do you want them to do it?
For example; Will they work alone or in groups? What are the individual steps they will take to complete the task?
Direct them to resources you have included in the module (Resources section) to help them complete the task.
Use text and bulleted/numeric lists.
The process will consist of listing the needs, explaining the necessity of the need and prioritising the responses to these needs.
For this work, two modalities will be proposed to the learners:
- individual work based on a given time for reflection in order to answer the questions asked
- collective work in small groups of three people to exchange and discuss the relationship between the needs and the realistic solutions,
- Finally, a more general presentation so that the large group can draw up a roadmap specifying the solutions and the means to be implemented to ensure them in an effective and concrete manner, based on the previous work.
- At the end of this summary work, it may be interesting for small groups to review the strengths and weaknesses of the solutions and to validate, for example, 5 priority solutions.
Learners can also use the Internet to find solutions from the resources proposed below.
The learner has:
- Listed the needs of carers by category (economic, human, technical...)
- Exchanged and participated in the confrontation of the experiences of carers
- Search collectively for possible solutions to meet the needs
- Learned to better understand their difficulties and resources.
- Learn more about their role, the management of tensions and stressful situations via the resources proposed below.
- Understand the importance of mutual support, peer-to-peer exchange
- Understand how to respond to needs in order to find solutions
- Understand the importance of carer development and being recognised as having a real role with beneficiaries
- Participants will analyse the needs of carers
- Participants will explore conflict management techniques
- Participants will analyse personal development techniques for carers
- Participants will develop collaborative skills
- Participants will develop social skills and be open to exchange and interaction
- Participants will engage in a collaborative and participatory dynamic
- Participants will support each other
- Participants will have to make contributions within the group
Caregiver stress syndrome
Dedicated resource for young caregivers
Tips for taking care of yourself