


Health & Safety

Legal / Social Services

Social & Personal Development

Caregivers Needs




Moving to a new neighbourhood is at the same time an exciting and unsettling stage in life. We need create new landmarks, discover the facilities and infrastructures that surround us. For people with disabilities this situation can be even more difficult. Depending on the disability, it can be difficult to find your way around and visualize routes, or it is sometimes necessary to be familiar with easily accessible places and surrounding obstacles. It is also important to know the services and supports set up in town for people with disabilities and to create support networks. Knowing better about the environment around us helps to fight anxiety and to feel more confident. As a caregiver, it is also important to participate in the discovery of the neighbourhood in order to create links and subsequently to understand the local needs in terms of inclusion and awareness. This quest aims to help you identify local resources and existing services.


Rodnae productions

When designing an inclusive housing project, to anticipate the move of your beneficiary, discover the surrounding. Your role, as a caregiver, is to support your beneficiary in identifying neighbourhood supports and services as well as the places that he/she likes and their itineraries.

Your task is to create a local map colourful and visual that can be completed by the beneficiary every time he discover new facilities or local resources.


Print local map A3

With a colour code, indicate on the map categories of places (you can use mini stickers):

  • Public services
  • Support groups/ community groups
  • Medical facilities
  • Inclusive activities
  • Transports (adapted)
  • Family members or contact

Indicate some of the principal itineraries of the person taking in consideration his/her mobility needs.



This card will allow your beneficiary to find landmarks and have a practical daily tool. This exercise can also give you a global view of what exists in the neighbourhood and especially what is missing. This will create networking in the surrounding. Moreover, this visual result can help to engage local authorities and the community if certain important places are difficult to access or if few services are set up for the inclusion of people with disabilities.

The more this map is filled with inclusive places, activities, and resources for the disabled new member of the town, the more it will decrease his/her isolation and help his/her integration into the neighbourhood.


Learning Outcomes

  • This will help participants to highlight the importance of local integration in a inclusive housing project.

Knowledge acquired

  • This will help participants to highlight the importance of local integration in a inclusive housing project.

Skills acquired

  • Participant will acquire skills of promotion of local activities, implementing local dynamic and promote equal access to local facilities

Competences acquired

  • Participant will be able to reflect on respect of diversity, awareness of neighbourhood about inclusive housing and networking.