
Neighbours (Photo by Gleren Meneghin on Unsplash)
We all know that good relations with our neighbours are important for community life and daily living. Polite, respectful, or supportive neighbourly relations are based on knowledge and tolerance of the other. Usually, we use communication and information to create links with our neighbours. However, it can be difficult for people with disabilities to introduce themselves clearly and to present the inclusive housing project they are part of. By helping disabled persons to communicate on themselves and on the inclusive housing project with their neighbours, their integration into the neighbourhood will improve. Some support opportunities or even friendships may arise. People might be interested and even get involved in the project. To raise awareness, clear explanations about disability and the project should be given. Positive and constructive relationships will then emerge. |

Communicate (Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash)
There is a new inclusive housing project. As a caregiver/ family member of the home, you would like to help him/her to integrate as well as possible into the neighbourhood. Your role is to facilitate the presentation of the beneficiaries and the inclusive housing project to the neighbours. Your task is to prepare, communicate and inform the neighbourhood about the inclusive housing project and its development. |
The process can be conceived in 3 stages:
1/ Preparing the presentation: selecting the information to be presented
- Discussion with the new beneficiary/ies on how to present him/herself/themselves.
- Discussion with the beneficiary on how to present the project.
- Select useful information (objectives, duration, difficulties) to present the inclusive housing project. Find all the information in the relevant documents and/or via the e-learning platform Log'In.
- Prepare some material to give to the neighbours you will meet (planned activities/events, flyers, project documentation).
2/ Presentation to neighbours (it is better to go with the disabled person when possible / even in group if you feel comfortable with it) or invite neighbours at the house.
- Short presentation of yourself: your participation and role in the project.
- Presentation of the person or the group (by his/her/themselves or yourself).
- Project explanations and possibilities for neighbours to get involved.
- Give flyer or other informative material about activities.
3/ Follow-up of the relationships and project development
- Once back home, make feedback with the beneficiary/ies.
Inform interested neighbours about the development of the project and the support opportunities/activities.
By informing, communicate and talk with neighbours about disability and the inclusive housing project, the neighbourhood will be aware of the aims, activities, difficulties, and support opportunities linked to the inclusive house.
Both disabled persons and neighbours are involved in this module. It will lead to a feeling of belonging from both parts and the community inclusion will improve.
It might create strong links between neighbours and initiate the networking of local resources.
- This will help participants to highlight the importance of local integration in an inclusive housing project.
- Participant will learn how to understand the local culture and local dynamic and will understand the positive impact of local integration on disabled people.
- Participant will acquire skills of promotion of local activities, implementing local dynamic and promote equal access to local facilities.
- Participant will be able to reflect on awareness of neighbourhood about inclusive housing and networking.